Piedmont Plus Senior Games/ SilverArts postpones competitions
By Judie Holcomb-Pack
In a glass-half-empty, glass-half-full perspective, the need to change the schedule for Senior Games/SilverArts is disappointing to the many participants in sporting events, visual and heritage arts displays and literary competitions. But according to Chuck Vestal, on a positive note, this gives people 50 and older more time to sign up to participate, to practice the outdoor sports, work on their photography, art and crafts, and write their stories and poetry.
Opening Ceremonies, always a much-anticipated event, has been tentatively scheduled for May 29 at Calvary Baptist Church. This luncheon is where participants pick up their t-shirts, enjoy entertainment by senior performers, eat lunch and mingle with other Senior Gamers.
Vestal said at this time, the ladies softball tournament is scheduled for May 16 and men’s softball for May 30. All other sports are tentatively scheduled to begin June 1 and beyond, but the schedules are still being worked out. The N.C. State Games are still planned to be held. Vestal is waiting on confirmation for dates for the state competitions.
Because the local visual art and heritage arts were to be displayed at the Central Library, that is now closed, Vestal is considering other arrangements. The date of the performing arts competition, scheduled to be held at Forsyth Tech’s Bolton campus, is still being worked out.
On the plus side, Senior Games/SilverArts is still accepting entries and the deadline to register is now May 29. Literary entries can be submitted now and until the deadline via mail or email. For information, visit www.WePlay.WS and click on the Seniors tab and the tab for Senior Games or call 336-727-2325.
Vestal said that parks and greenways are open and outdoor activities, such as bocce ball and horseshoes at Miller Park, are still available if you bring your own equipment. Salem Lake greenway is open, although the fishing pier is closed.
Even with social distancing, we can all walk the trails, get some fresh air, and enjoy the spring weather. Not only will the exercise keep our bodies healthy, getting outside will surely boost our spirits as well.
Keep advised as to Recreation and Parks updates and changes by visiting www.WePlay.WS.