

Postal carriers to accept food donations Saturday

Postal carriers to accept food donations Saturday
May 09
00:00 2013

The 21st annual National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive – the nation’s largest annual one-day food collection event – will take place May 11.
The Postal Service is urging customers to place a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods next to their mailboxes prior to their regular mail deliveries May 11. Nearly two million such bags were donated by AARP (an organization in support of older persons) and are being delivered throughout the state to homes prior to Food Drive Day. Customers can also bring food to their local Post Offices for collection.

Last year, carriers collected more than 70 million pounds of food donations nationwide — the ninth consecutive year that the 70-million-pound mark was eclipsed. Nearly 1.2 billion pounds of food have been collected since the first drive in 1993. Joining the NALC in this annual effort are the Postal Service, National Rural Carriers Association, AFCIO, Feeding America, United Way and Campbell Soup.

All food and donations collected will go directly to local charities and food pantries associated with the individual Post Offices. Included on the “most needed items” list are canned meals like stews, soups, tuna, ravioli, etc., preferably with pop-tops; peanut butter; cereal, canned fruits and vegetables; rice, pasta and dry beans; hygiene items like toothpaste, soap and shaving items; paper products like toilet paper and paper towels; and infant products like diapers, wipes, formula and infant cereal.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

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