Residents tour Central Library
On Tuesday, Sept. 20, residents had the opportunity to view the Central Library located on Fifth Street.
Photo by Tevin Stinson
Residents got a sneak peek at the new Central Library on Tuesday evening during the Building Healthy Hearts & Healthy Minds event hosted by Frank L. Blum Construction and the American Heart Association.
During the tour, people from across the city learned about the new and exciting things that will be included in the library on Fifth Street. According to Matthew Rodda with Steele Group Architects, the library, which will be the newest and most modern in the state, will include an auditorium, a cafe, a children’s section complete with a patio, a teen area with a green screen, a makers space where visitors can build and create anything they want, and two patios.
Deputy County Manager Damon Saunders-Pratt said, “This is the library of the future.
“We will have space for social gatherings and countless other activities,” he said. “We look at this library as the county’s living room and we are excited that we are almost done with construction.”