

Sigma Betas participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign

Sigma Betas participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign
March 15
08:42 2018

The Sigma Beta Club (Delta Sigma chapter) of Winston-Salem are a National Youth Organization of Caring.  The chapter recently participated in the 2018 Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign.  By partnering with the Souper Bowl Campaign, it created a unique opportunity to join in a national movement of giving and serving.

From Jan. 7 through Feb. 11, the Sigma Beta Club members collected non-perishable food items for this service project.  At the conclusion of the campaign, a total of 253 food items were collected and donated to Samaritan Ministries Soup Kitchen.  A report of the campaign efforts were submitted to the Souper Bowl of Caring, which allowed the Delta Sigma Chapter to be a part of the national efforts.  Through this experience, they learned the power of working together to make a difference in the lives of others.

The Samaritan Ministries Soup Kitchen opened in March 1981, and regularly serves lunch to 300-400 guests every day.  The Soup Kitchen also provides dinner and breakfast to nightly shelter guests.  The Soup Kitchen is open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Saturday and Sunday from noon to 2 p.m.

The Delta Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. is the sponsoring chapter for the local Sigma Beta Club, a youth auxiliary of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity for males ages 8 to 18.  The Sigma Beta Clubs offer unique opportunities to exemplify wholesome values, leadership skills, educational enhancement, business training and development, and social and cultural awareness to male youths at a most critical stage in their personal development. 

The club’s motto is “Next Generation of Leaders Accepting the Responsibility and Loving the Challenge.”

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