Small Business Saturday tour ready to roll
The Winston Salem Black Chamber of Commerce Shop Small Bus Tour, a national initiative sponsored by American Express, is again ready to roll in Winston-Salem.
The Winston Salem Black Chamber of Commerce Shop Small Bus Tour, a national initiative sponsored by American Express, is again ready to roll in Winston-Salem.
It’s an opportunity to meet the small business people in the community who have taken a step of faith to become Entrepreneurs.
The Chamber has a 42-passenger bus for a tour of local black-owned businesses. The Bus Tour is Saturday, Nov. 24, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The bus will depart from and return to The Enterprise Center, 1922 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Winston-Salem. Cost is $25 per person. Contact the Chamber at (336) 575-2006, (336) 776-0314 -fax or at wsblackchamber/.
Also, with the holiday shopping season just around the corner, the North Carolina Community College System’s Small Business Center Network (SBCN), which includes Forsyth Technical Community College’s Small Business Center, encourages consumers to #ShopSmall and support local small businesses on Saturday, Nov. 24. Nestled between Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday,
“Small Business Saturday is a celebration of local businesses,” says Allan Younger, director of the Small Business Center at Forsyth Tech.
“I am privileged to work with so many outstanding small business owners. Their commitment and ability to provide great customers service is strengthened by their personal connection to our community.”
The Chronicle is a small business. The U.S. Small Business Administration defines a small business as an independent business with 500 or less employees.
Small Business Saturday was founded by American Express in 2010 as a day to celebrate local businesses through the holiday shopping season. The day has since grown into a powerful movement in support of local small businesses every day and everywhere.
According to American Express, in 2017 an estimated 108 million consumers reported shopping or dining at local small businesses on Small Business Saturday, generating about $12 billion in spending.
The Small Business Administration notes that Small Businesses comprise 99.9 percent of all firms in the U.S. marketplace and have accounted for 66 percent of net new jobs from 2000-2017.