

Sorority Chapter presents ‘Stop the Bullying’ workshop

Ben Piggot, back row, stands with women of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.’s Theta Mu Sigma Chapter and two youth from the Carl H. Russell Sr. Community Center. The chapter sponsored the “Stop the Bullying” workshop and the youth won two books about the topic.

Sorority Chapter presents ‘Stop the Bullying’ workshop
May 12
11:30 2016

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Over 60 children recently gathered at the Carl H. Russell, Sr. Community Center to participate in a Stop the Bullying workshop held at the learning center.

The ladies of the Sigma Gamma Sorority, Inc. of the “Theta Mu Sigma Chapter brought two inmates from the North Carolina Correctional Center and a security guard to the workshop. Pizzas and soda were served to the youth and teenagers who attended.

Senior Center Supervisor Ben Piggott was very impressed with the program because of the message which included that you have to watch the company that you keep because you do not know how people can influence you to do wrong things instead of doing the right things.

The inmates demonstrated to the youth how some of them had made themselves to become prey to bullying in how they walked, talked and the way they stood around their peers. The inmates also showed youth preventive methods to stop bullying in school, home and in the city. They also said if these methods do not work, you need to go to authorities, including other adults or police.

The sorority gave a Stop the Bullying book by author Michael Fry called “The Odd Squad Bully Bait” to each child that won the raffle.

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