St. Benedict to sponsor historian
St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church will hold an African-American History program.
Chronicle file photo
St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, 1625 E. 12th St., will sponsor an African-American History program on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 10 a.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Dr. Winston Bell will be the speaker, who will share his knowledge about the struggles and successes of African-Americans in their efforts to become 100 percent African-American citizens. Saint Benedict the Moor Catholic Church has asked Dr. Winston Bell, a renowned African and African-American historian, to speak at its African-American history program. Bell has taught African-American history classes at Winston Salem State University and provided workshops on this subject matter for teachers, community organizations and audiences in many parts of the United States.
“Bell’s goal is to inform us of the African-American history that has been left out of the history books,” St. Benedict officials say. “It is the goal of this presentation to encourage the audience to create and execute an action plan that will bring awareness to the necessity to regenerate and restore our entire community. Through unity and knowledge, we will all realize that we each have special gifts and talents that will enable us to unite all the scattered pieces into one.
“Bell’s main interest is in advocating and providing an appropriate culturally relevant education for our youth as a means of restoring health and vitality to the African-American community. This type of education hopefully will enable African-Americans to envision and shape the future for generations to come.”
RSVP by Thursday, Feb. 2 at 336-725-9200. Lunch will be served. Father Basile Sede is the Pastor.