St. Mark Baptist Church celebrates black heritage
Seated are members, from left to right, first row: Mary Epps, Pastor James Fulwood and First Lady Hattie Fulwood. First row standing: Dorothy Williams, Janet Wilson, Dorothy Brown, Carrie Hickman, Janice Foust, Minister Virginia Ellis, Rosa Belin, Zaree Fulwood, Pearl Cook, Mildred Foust and Whitney Fulwood. Second row standing: Fayelene Fulwood, Leroy Easter and John Epps.
Photo by Mack Nowlin
St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church celebrates heritage Sunday every fifth Sunday of the month.
First Lady Hattie Fulwood thought it would be very informative to share with the youth of the church about achievements of black history. Members are asked to dress in African attire on every fifth Sunday.
The church is located at 1100 Manley Street. The Rev. Dr. James Fulwood is the host pastor.