Bishop Dr. William J. Barber II announced there will be “a season of direct action, civil disobedience and voter registration power building.”
Bishop Dr. William J. Barber II announced there will be “a season of direct action, civil disobedience and voter registration power building.”
“I was … surprised by how many leaders from around the world had been inspired by Moral Monday, the moral revival last year, and the Poor People’s Campaign plans,” Bishop Dr. William Barber II, leader of the social justice group “Repairers of the Breach,” said by text from the Vatican last week.
This week in Raleigh, a momentous event will occur. Bishop Dr. William J. Barber II will be stepping down as N.C. NAACP president.
Barber recalls many battles he’s led the N.C. NAACP into, in the areas of education, civil rights, workers’ rights, immigrant rights, LBGTQ rights, affordable health care, criminal justice and economic justice, many of which ended in victory for the people.
Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman, and Rev. Dr. Portia Rochelle, are vying to succeed Barber as president of the N.C. NAACP.