In photo above: Joycelyn V. Johnnson (Submitted photo) Special to The Chronicle The St. Philips Heritage Center at Old Salem Museums & Gardens in partnership with Winston-Salem State University will
In photo above: The veterans who were honored stand together during Sunday’s service at Emmanuel Baptist Church. (Submitted Photo) By Felecia Piggott-Long, Ph.D. For The Chronicle For many people, the
In photo above: Nancy Young, director of public relations for Winston-Salem State University, will retire after six years at WSSU. (Photo by Erin Mizelle for the Winston-Salem Chronicle) Nancy Young
In photo above: More than 30 representatives gather in the Training Room of Experiment in Self- Reliance for lunch, entertainment and thoughtful empowerment on May 14. (Submitted Photo) Special to
In photo above: HARRY Executive Director Ciat Shabazz (second from right) with veterans (left to right, standing) James Broadway, Woodrow Haney, Melvin