photo BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE Melissa Harris-Perry, who was named executive director of Wake Forest University’s Pro Humanitate Institute in 2015, is the founding director of the Anna Julia
Tag "gender"
Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced last week the release of a new study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, estimating that 10.3 million uninsured
Local researcher publishes findings in national journal For decades, common medical wisdom has been “the lower the better” in treating the approximately one in three people in this country who
The loudest voices in the Republican echo machine – those Fox News Network heavy hitters who routinely and consistently blame
Responding to Jesus
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 49:8-13 Lesson Scripture: Luke 2:25-38 Lesson Aims: To explain why Jesus was in the Temple, to recognize