Attorney Renita Thompkins Linville will fill the vacancy left by Forsyth County Clerk of Court Susan Frye, making her the first African American to hold the position.
Tag "government"
The City of Winston-Salem has issued announcements on leaf collection and City Council meetings.

There is a movement to achieve ACT Work Ready Community certification for Forsyth County that’ll help align local education and training with the skills employers need in the workforce.
The county commissioners unanimously passed a $426.3 million budget with no property tax increase last week with plans to put a quarter-cent county sales tax on the ballot in November.

County commissioners heard a preview of the upcoming $433.9 million budget, and requests to be added to it from organizations

The City of Winston-Salem will be holding community meetings starting March 21 on a potential $122 million in bonds that may be on the November ballot.

The consequences of tax reform, a county sales tax, employee turnover and enhancing Safe on Seven were some of the topics discussed during a Winter Work Session held by Forsyth County commissioners last week.
Charlene Crowell Guest Columnist This year’s swearing-in of a new Congress and President signaled a surge of new ideas and