By Christopher G. Cox Writer, philosopher Mark Twain is often credited with saying, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Whether it was Twain or someone else,
Tag "hurricane"

The warnings were ever coming and long-lasting. We kept hearing that we should be prepared and were told what to do. We were given tips on what to do before
One of the best-known songs about the American territory Puerto Rico is called “America,” from “West Side Story:” “Puerto Rico, You lovely island … Island of tropical breezes. Always the
The Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (MCWSV) made a call for assistance for disaster relief for the victims of Hurricane Harvey in the Houston area. This past Sunday the
Looking at the television reports and seeing what Irma did in Florida and the Caribbean has been heartbreaking. The flooding, trees down and power outages have been dramatic.
September is North Carolina Preparedness Month, when hurricane season rises to the top of the list of things to think about.
This week’s editorial cartoon by Ron Rogers.