Devotional Reading: Isaiah 54:9-14 Lesson Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17 Lesson Aims: To acknowledge the sacredness of life; to appreciate God’s covenant with humanity; and to give God our very best in
Tag "Isaiah"
Devotional Reading: I Samuel 3: 1-10 Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8 Background: Our summer theme, “God’s People Worship,” is a study from the Old Testament books of Isaiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah.
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 56:1-8 Lesson Scripture: Acts 8:26-39 Lesson Aims: To recognize that God uses all believers to witness to the world; to rejoice in the knowledge that
Devotional Reading: John 8:12-30 Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7 Lesson Aims: To examine ourselves to God’s Standards; to praise Him as the
Responding to Jesus
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 49:8-13 Lesson Scripture: Luke 2:25-38 Lesson Aims: To explain why Jesus was in the Temple, to recognize that everyone must respond to Jesus and to deepen our