Books about integration, schools & HBCUs by various authors

Book Review: ‘Becoming Spectacular: The Rhythm of Resilience from the First African American Rockette’ by Jennifer Jones

“Building the Worlds That Kill Us: Disease, Death, and Inequality in American History” by David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER FOR THE CHRONICLE “Here, try this.” Ugh. That’s advice you almost never take because you hate new
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER FOR THE CHRONICLE If the walls could talk, imagine what they’d say. They’d reminisce about family meals,
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER FOR THE CHRONICLE You’ve heard the stories. Great-Grandpa made hooch in the basement during Prohibition. Grandma was
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER FOR THE CHRONICLE You can’t judge a book by its cover. Even so, we do it all
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER FOR THE CHRONICLE After thinking things through, you have your opinions and while you’re willing to listen
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER FOR THE CHRONICLE The Word is what you crave. It’s where you find your comfort, strength, the