
The Chronicle’s Business of the Month: Local catering service balances the perfect harmony between taste and presentation

The Chronicle’s Business of the Month: Local catering service balances the perfect harmony between taste and presentation
August 09
15:28 2024

By Busta Brown

Pretty Southern Catering offers the flavor you require and the presentation you desire. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the co-owner and founder Shenise Glenn. 

When did you open your catering service and tell us about the name? 

We originally tried to open in November of 2019, however the pandemic came in and then we found out we were expecting late 2020, so our plans were delayed a bit! We never gave up hope and three months after giving birth to our son, we stepped out on faith in August of 2021! Our name, Pretty Southern Catering, came from the concept that we wanted to make food pretty, essentially. Southern cooking being a part of our roots, we wanted to honor its impact on our culture while simultaneously proving that Southern food or soul food can be a beautiful cuisine as much as any other! 
With so many catering services in the Triad, why did you see a need to start Pretty Southern Catering? 

We have never seen a need for our catering service, simply a desire to provide something to our clients that we love! We love food and we love gathering friends and family and feeding them. Our catering service is an extension of what we love. Nothing brings people together like good food! With that being said, we applaud, celebrate and uplift other catering services without competition; we all can win!

Tell us about the magic of having your spouse as your business partner. And who does what? 

It’s really amazing that we get to build this dream together! Being business partners has strengthened our relationship as husband and wife because we’ve really had to learn to be more compassionate and respectful of one another in professional settings; that has spilled over into our home life. We consider one another much more! Tim is our chef and grill master! While we both cook, he does about 70% to my 30%. He comes up with specialized menus, keeps up with trending food ideas. He has formal training and knows much more about temps and other food safety measures than I. He keeps me straight in the kitchen! I handle more of the business of our catering service, responding to inquiries, sending estimates and invoices, marketing, social media, legalities, etc.

Who’s the better cook, you or your husband Tim? 

Better? … Tim certainly has more passion for cooking than I, but my grandmothers taught me well! But seriously, Tim wins!

Tell us about the services that Pretty Southern Catering provides.

We offer private chef services, catering services with four various service types – drop off, drop set, buffet and plated. Lastly, we offer grill services with our 12-foot smoker. 

How do you decide which menu to provide? 

Menus are based on customer preferences. We take into account budget, the type of event, wants and needs, and many other factors. We have a base menu that we provide to customers; however, it is customizable. We love to be challenged and we love for our clients to allow us creative freedom. 

What advice do you give your clients when choosing their menu?

I feel like I’m always telling clients, especially brides, this is your day/event, pay for what you like. It’s fine to be considerate, but at the end of the day, you’re fronting the bill! I wouldn’t pay thousands of dollars and not get what I like! We also advise clients to be realistic about what they can afford. There’s no wrong or bad budget; you can afford what you can afford. But be honest with yourself and we’re happy to help you figure out what that looks like!

What are some of your specialties?

Our soul rolls are definitely a favorite amongst our clientele. People always rave about our macaroni. Our smoked Gouda grits, salmon, sweet chili meatballs, grazing tables, and smoked turkeys are just a few things that we’ve heard our supporters really enjoy!

What should clients expect when they hire Pretty Southern Catering that’s different from the other catering services?

Again, we aren’t focused on other catering services so we can’t for sure tell you how we may or may not differ. But what we can promise is that we will deliver exceptional customer service and professionalism wrapped in a personable experience. We’re not perfect and we’ve made our share of mistakes, but our hope is that our clients will walk away wholly satisfied and feeling like they’ve met an extended member of the family.

I took a look at some of your videos on Facebook. How do you and your husband decide the beautiful themes and decorations for an event? 

We try to match the theme or color scheme of the client’s event. Presentation is almost as important to us as the taste and quality of the food we provide. It’s the “pretty” in Pretty Southern Catering! My entire life, my mom has told me that presentation is everything and it’s funny because you don’t realize the things that stick, but she was right! We believe that you eat with your eyes well before anything else and we knew starting out that we wanted to provide somewhat of an experience for our clients, when we can. So, we consult with our clients, get a feel for what they are looking for, and do our best to deliver.

What’s the most challenging event to prepare for?

Weddings! We love weddings, they’re beautiful and most of the time high energy, but they are very emotionally charged, as to be expected. It’s an extremely important and expensive day, but there is not much room for error and that can cause a little anxiety, but we always strive to do the very best that we can.

How do you handle guests with allergies and dietary restrictions?

Most clients offer this information upfront, but we simply ask during consultation and if we can oblige, we do; if we can’t, we let them know immediately. 

How do you determine your budget for your clients?

We don’t determine their budget, the price is the price;  however, we do not mind working with budgets to help the client understand what they can or cannot afford.

Do you provide all the necessary permits and licenses for events? 

We provide whatever is necessary to cater for the event/venue. Every event/venue is different, and some require more than others.

What rentals does your service include?

We don’t typically provide rentals. In most cases, if chaffers are needed, they are provided as a part of the service. We have offered flatware and glasses in the past; however, it is not something that we prefer. Each event is different and we determine what can be rented on a case-by-case basis.

What are some important tips clients should know before hiring a catering service?

Before hiring a catering service, get all the pertinent information, do your due diligence, check references, reviews, check out their social media, but what I think is most important is to talk with them, get a feel for who they are and what they value. We’ve been hired solely because the conversation was good and we clicked! Lastly, I would advise not to pick a caterer simply because they are the cheapest. The old saying is true, you get what you pay for.

Do you have a couple of heartwarming memories from one of your events you’d like to share? 

We have plenty! One of my favorites is jamming out on the dance floor with the bride and family of one of our clients who hired us based on a behind-the-scenes reel in which we were dancing after serving. She said she loved our vibe, and we had an amazing time with them.

What advice would you give to an up-and-coming catering service?

See if you can work alongside an established catering service and get some hands-on experience. Catering is work for sure and there is a lot to learn. Start with an established CPA or someone who can help with the backend of the business. It will be an expense you may not like, but it’ll be worth it in the long run. Remember that your family and friends cannot float your business. Put yourself out there, consistently, clients will come. You will mess up, learn from it and keep going. Lastly, don’t be afraid to collaborate or see other caterers as your competition. Focus on yourself and remember, we win when we work together.

Every business can be challenging. Do you and your husband have a favorite scripture that gives you both strength and endurance? 

SO MANY! But the one that we apply to our business is “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” Colossians‬ 3‬:23‬ NLT‬‬. We try to remember that we are blessed to do this and to work at it as if we’re working for the Lord, giving him all the glory along the way.

How can we contact you?

Email – or phone 336-829-1437.

The Chronicle Business of the Month is Pretty Southern Catering. 

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