

The Chronicle’s Business of the Month: Local therapist teaches us how to ‘reset and heal’

The Chronicle’s Business of the Month: Local therapist teaches us how to ‘reset and heal’
April 04
13:29 2023

By Busta Brown

Alexia Mitchell started Reset and Heal mental health consulting company for a very personal and intimate reason. “I started my firm back in 2021, because being a Black woman and being raised by a Black woman, I saw how my mother didn’t put herself first. Her life was about going to work and coming home to take care of my brother who has special needs. She didn’t have a circle of friends to lean on nor did she utilize resources to help her cope with raising a special needs child.

“Taking care of your whole self first is self-care,” shared Alexia. 

According to the mother of three, so many Black women miss the mark of taking care of their mental health and physical health. “That’s why I fight tooth and nail. I don’t want to see other women in our community going through those same things and not utilizing the resources,” she said. 

Alexia is the owner/founder of Reset and Heal, LLC, a mental health consulting company and licensed clinical social worker associate. “As women, sometimes we feel like we have a cape, and we don’t. We’re not superheroes. So, my firm allows men and women of color to come into our office and not feel threatened with getting therapy. So, we provide The Healing Circle, because it can be threatening sitting in front of someone and sharing your life. But if you’re in a group setting, you realize you’re not alone.” She added, “Therapy can be considered a luxury, so I provide after-work hours and other ways to make our services accessible to the Black community.”

Reset and Heal also provides Reset and Chill. “We invite people to come and chill. We have done coloring parties, because coloring is a great coping skill. So everyone gets a sheet of coloring paper, colored pencils and crayons. You will be surprised how amazing this works. We provide catered food and good music; and we just Reset and Chill,” said Alexia. 

Reset and Heal also provides a Healing Circle. “It’s a small therapeutic group where we discuss topics that are intentional about our healing. It allows people to come together to outline goals for themselves and intention about their healing,” shared the Winston-Salem State University graduate. Alexia earned her bachelor of science degree from Winston Salem State University and a master’s in social work from UNC-Greensboro. She’s a Mental Health Association of Forsyth County Advisory Board Member. 

Alexia is well educated in the mental health profession. Like her mother, she’s strong and resilient. Yet, she’s also a sweetheart, with a passion to help people become their best selves. During the interview, she never stopped smiling, which put a smile on my face and in my heart. The wife of 15 years is very easy to talk to and she’s an excellent listener. Well … she is a licensed clinical therapist, so she has to be. I have to be honest. I feel like I got a free session and I enjoyed every minute.

Alexia Mitchell wears another hat as well. She’s a doula. She provides emotional, physical, and informational support throughout pregnancy. This support is provided before pregnancy, during prenatal period, during labor and delivery and the immediate postpartum period. “Black women die from pregnancy-related issues at a very high rate. My best advice to women of color is to get a doula,” said an emotional Alexia. 

With Reset and Heal, the Black community no longer has to leave their space to receive mental health services. “My goal is to get rid of that stigma around mental health, because everyone needs someone to talk to. Growing up, I saw how Black women put on the persona that they can handle everything without support or help. They rarely opened up about their struggles. But, it’s OK to not be OK and seek professional help. But we don’t,” she said, while holding back tears. 

She added, “In some cases, it’s not that we don’t want the help, some of us don’t know how to go about getting it. That’s why I started Reset and Heal. To educate the Black community, organizations and businesses as well. After COVID, so many people have tried to find a sense of normalcy. People are struggling with loss, grief, and not wanting to be back in an office. So, I step in to help the businesses deal with staff and sometimes even themselves, so their businesses can get back on track and become successful.”

I asked Alexia what her greatest challenge is as a licensed clinical social worker associate. “Going through the same issues that inspired me to start my business. We all go through something. That’s what makes my business successful, because I am transparent. I’m an open book about what brought me to this space. I am thankful for my husband; I don’t know what I’d do without my husband.” Alexia and her Hasani are the best of friends as well as soulmates. 

Her advice to other businesses: ”Everyone is not going to support your business, and that’s OK. That first ‘No’ will sting; I promise you there’s a ‘Yes’ that’s been crafted just for your business. Secondly; the biggest risk is the one you don’t take.” 

Her biggest wins as a business owner: “Being able to be a presence for my children and my husband. My husband and I love having weekly lunch dates together, so we can continue to pour into our marriage. When my mom transitioned, I now have guardianship of my brother. So, owning a business allows me to attend all of his appointments and also go to the rehabilitation facility to visit my grandmother. 

“Then I reset, and make time to take care of me.” 

The Chronicle’s Business of the Month is Reset and Heal. Give them a call at 336-580-9638 or send Alexia an email at Hello@resetandhealconsulting.com or visit resetandhealnc.com. You can follow Rest and Heal on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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