The Ministers’ Conference of Winston Salem and Vicinity opens a scholarship account in honor of Julius “Juice” Sampson
The Julius “Juice” Sampson scholarship account is open for contributions at the Mechanics & Farmers Bank.

In honor of Julius “Juice” Sampson, the Ministers’ Conference of Winston Salem and Vicinity has chosen to open a scholarship account in his honor and with his wife’s consent, at Mechanics & Farmers Bank. Those who want to contribute can do so either in person or by mailing a contribution to Mechanics & Farmers Bank, 770 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Specify to the “Julius Sampson” account.
The family continues to request our prayers as they go through these difficult times.
The Ministers’ Conference of Winston Salem and Vicinity will continue to be a supportive presence with Keyia I. Sampson and her family.