The upside of downsizing

The New Year could mean a new home
By Judie Holcomb-Pack
Along with New Year’s resolutions about losing weight or exercising more, some people start thinking about whether this is the year to move out of the big house and into a smaller condo, apartment, or to a retirement community.
Almost anyone who has gone through the downsizing experience will say that it is often a painful process. Whether it’s the result of divorce, death, empty-nest syndrome, or changes in a financial situation, you will experience a range of emotions. One minute you may be tearful because of items that you must part with, and then later you may feel excited about moving into a new home in a new neighborhood. One thing professionals stress is to plan carefully, take your time, and not rush into decisions you may regret later.
Here are some tips to consider as you begin the downsizing process:
*Start small, such as a closet or cabinet. Baby steps will help you ease into the larger projects.
*De-clutter and then separate items into what you can’t live without, what you could sell, donate, or discard. Look for items that are chipped, stained or broken and discard them. It if hasn’t been used in a year, do you really need to take it with you?
*Work in one room at a time so that once you have completed that room, you can use it to hold items from other rooms as they are packed for moving.
*Think about family heirlooms or collections you plan to give to family members. Rather than continuing to store them, give them away now. Choose your favorites to go with you and give the others to family members who can appreciate them now. You can still enjoy them in their new home!
*Make a list of items you use infrequently. How often do you pull out that stand mixer? Do you really need a carpet shampooer? Do you want them to take up space in your new home, or could you eliminate them now and borrow or rent them when you need them in the future?
*Utilize storage cubes or ottomans for those items you want to keep, but don’t have room to display in your new home.
When you downsize, one change that may bring you disappointment is no longer having room for large family gatherings. Holidays are already stressful and trying to fit the entire family into a smaller space for holiday dinners may be too much. Consider alternatives, such as having a drop-in open house rather than a sit-down dinner, or going to a restaurant , community center or church fellowship hall for a large family function.
Moving to a smaller home can bring many pleasant surprises – less cleaning and yardwork to do, more time for yourself, a simplier lifestyle. By organizing your move and allowing yourself time to adjust to the change, you can look forward to relaxing and peaceful living in your new home.