United Way of Forsyth County and The W-S Foundation on the COVID-19 Response Fund

On March 18, officials from United Way Forsyth County, The Winston Salem Foundation, the City of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County and Community Organizations Active in Disaster announced the formation of COVID-19 Response Fund for Forsyth County to support local community members impacted by the novel coronavirus.
Fundraising Update:
As of March 24, more than $3,000,000 has been raised for the fund, with donations ranging from $10 to $1,000,000, from individuals, corporations, nonprofits, and foundations. Visit covid19forsyth.org to review funds raised and donors to-date.
Scott Wierman, president of The Winston- Salem Foundation notes, “We are thrilled that the City of Winston-Salem’s initial $1,000,000 donation has grown to more than threefold in under a week. Our partnership will deploy these resources carefully and thoughtfully to nonprofits through a grant application process we’re announcing.”
Wierman adds, “We want the public to understand that while this fundraising has been successful to-date, what we have raised so far will not be nearly enough money to address the immense community needs due to this evolving crisis. We’re asking all community members who can to partner with us to support our neighbors during the difficult days and weeks ahead. Please visit covid19forsyth.org to help.”
GrantApplicationNow Available for Nonprofits
The COVID-19 Response Fund will provide flexible resources for immediate, emerging, and long-term needs to organizations working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak. The fund is designed to complement the work of government and public health officials to address all aspects of the outbreak in Forsyth County.
Cindy Gordineer, president and CEO of United Way Forsyth County remarks, “This
fund was envisioned to rapidly deploy critical resources to community- based organizations at the frontlines of the coronavirus outbreak in Forsyth County. We’re excited to roll out the grant application process in under a week to start getting help to those community members who need it. “
The first phase of proactive and responsive grants is funding nonprofits with one-time general operating support in order to assist with the immediate needs of economically vulnerable populations impacted by COVID-19. United Way of Forsyth County and The Winston-Salem Foundation will administer the fund.
An advisory committee of local funders and community institutions working directly with impactedpopulationswill oversee the application process.
More specifically, initial funding will benefit disproportionately impacted individuals and families including:
* Residents without health insurance and/or access to paid sick leave
* Individuals experiencinghomelessness
* Healthcare workers
* Hospitality and service industry workers
* Unauthorized immigrant populations
* Communities of color, and in particular, residents with limited English language proficiency
Nonprofits can now access the COVID-19 grant application at wsfoundation.org/covid- 19-grants.
Additional phases of future funding will be developed by evaluating the funds available, community needs, and government response.