

Veterans Day event focuses on mental health

In honor of Veterans Day, the Winston-Salem Urban League sponsored a free luncheon.

Veterans Day event focuses on mental health
November 15
08:49 2018

Every year on Veterans Day individuals and organizations across the country celebrate the men and women who serve in the various branches of the military by going to parades, listening to speeches, or just enjoying the day off. Not often do Americans spotlight the issues that thousands of veterans deal with on a daily basis such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). But on Monday, Nov. 12, the Winston-Salem Urban League (WSUL) did just that when they hosted a Veterans Day Mental Health luncheon.

The event held at the WSUL event center on Trade Street was designed to honor veterans from across the Triad for their service, as well as to bring awareness to the issues many of them face. Before lunch was served, veterans also had the opportunity to connect with various vendors that provide services to veterans.

Following lunch, the keynote address was delivered by retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Tim W. Bell. Bell, who served as a member of the military security police and spent time working in the Pentagon in Washington D.C., said Veterans Day should serve as a reminder to us and veterans that once the uniform comes off, our nation is morally indebted to veterans and their families, particularly those who have been physically or psychologically disabled as a result of their service.

“We recognize veterans who paid the price, but we also need to realize that, that cost continues; it didn’t just stop when they hang up their uniform, and unfortunately many vets are still paying that price today,” continued Bell. “… All wounds are not visible due to military service and combat. There is a high rate of veterans experiencing traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder. Veterans face the same shortage of affordable housing and options of living wage jobs as all Americans, but because they have those additional factors they have to deal with, it exacerbates those challenges.”

As he continued his address, Bell encouraged the dozens of veterans in attendance to return to the mindset of “I got your back.” He said, “Now is the time when we must remember that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper. We need to return to the mindsets of ‘I got your back’ and ‘no man left behind.’

“No man left behind is not merely a slogan or a motto. It’s a commitment, a sacred promise. No man left behind means we would always go back for our dead and wounded. Well I’m here today to tell you that no veteran man or woman should be left behind or forgotten once they come home.”

Although he admits there is work to be done, Bell said the healing process can begin with a simple “Thank You.”

“We owe them a debt that can never be repaid, but there is so much power in those two words. Those two words can be amazing and they can lift a person’s spirit. So the next time you see another veteran, say ‘thank you,’” he said. “No veteran should ever have a reason to doubt America’s gratitude for his or her service. Our veterans will never forget what they’ve done for our country and neither should we.”

Following his address, several other individuals who work or volunteer at organizations that provide services for veterans spoke briefly about the services they offer. Organizations represented were: the local Veterans Administration, HUD-VASH Housing Program for Veterans, H.A.R.R.Y. Veterans Community Outreach, Disabled American Veterans, United Health Centers, Whole Man Ministries Homes for our Heroes, Goodwill, the National Association for Black Veterans and the Urban League’s Veterans Support Services.

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Tevin Stinson

Tevin Stinson

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