

Voting is Mandatory

Voting is Mandatory
October 18
00:00 2012

By now, we’re almost certain that everyone reading this is aware of the importance of voting in this election. This voting cycle is crucial to everything that the majority in the country holds near and dear. There clearly is an attempt afoot to destroy the very fiber upon which this country was built. And, it is not really about black versus white. It is more about the gilded class versus the rest of us who basically work for a living.

You can bet your last dollar that if certain people are elected, our lives will drastically change for the worse. We are witnessing, today, a basic ideological shift that undermines the Christian concept of helping the poor, the disadvantaged and those who are trying to lift themselves up by whatever strap they can find around their ankles. Folks, this is serious! We, all of us, have to go to the polls and vote. Don’t be intimidated or pressured into doing anything that doesn’t make sense for you. Use your common sense.  Some candidates are lying through their teeth about what they represent and what they will do once they get elected. There are no magical answers to solving any of the problems this country faces today. For the next few weeks, we will make our choices for this election known and suggest that you make your own choices. However, here is the beginning of how we would vote if we had one.


Our Choices in the Local Judicial Races

Candidates for the office of judge usually tell us that they can’t comment on specifics, but they always promise to exercise the law fairly and equally. Our response is always, ‘Then how do you explain the overwhelming numbers of African Americans incarcerated in this country?’ They all say they know that to be a fact, but can’t venture a guess. We also ask if there is room for compassion in meting out justice. Most respond that there is. However, most say that their hands are tied by the mandatory sentencing laws. In other words, if a person is convicted, no matter what the circumstances, the judge must use the recommended sentence for that particular crime. To that we say, ‘Then why do we need judges at all?’

All of the candidates running for a judgeship are usually equally qualified. They are lawyers, have some legal experience and being a judge is the next rung on the career ladder. And, they run in races that are not affiliated with any political party. To that we say, ‘Then why are you a registered Democrat or Republican? Why aren’t you a registered Independent or Unaffiliated?’ Some have promised that they will change that.

For the NC Supreme Court, Associate Justice we like Sam Erwin, IV; NC Court of Appeals Judge, we like Linda McGee; Wanda Bryant and Cressie Thigpen; NC District Court Judge District 21 Camille Banks-Payne (unopposed); and Amy Allred and Andrew Keever over their opponents.

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