
Winston-Salem Chronicle endorses leaders for a brighter North Carolina future

Winston-Salem Chronicle endorses leaders for a brighter North Carolina future
October 18
12:57 2024

As Winston-Salem continues to grow and thrive, the Winston-Salem Chronicle is proud to endorse a group of dedicated and visionary leaders poised to make a significant impact on our community and the state of North Carolina. These candidates embody the values of integrity, innovation and commitment to public service, ensuring a prosperous future for all residents. 

Our mission extends beyond reporting the news – we are dedicated to fostering a thriving, informed and engaged community. Our endorsements play a crucial role in achieving this mission by highlighting candidates who embody the values and vision necessary to lead our city, state and nation toward a prosperous future.

In an era where information is abundant yet often overwhelming, our endorsements serve as a trusted guide for voters navigating the complex landscape of local and state elections. We meticulously evaluate each candidate’s qualifications, track record and commitment to public service to ensure that our endorsements reflect integrity and thoughtful consideration. By aligning with candidates who prioritize the well-being of our community, we help voters make informed decisions that resonate with their values and aspirations.

Josh Stein (D) for governor of North Carolina

Josh Stein stands out as a leader with the integrity and vision necessary to guide North Carolina through these pivotal times. His proven track record as North Carolina attorney general showcases his ability to deliver results, foster economic growth and prioritize education and healthcare. Josh’s commitment to sustainable development and inclusive governance makes him the ideal choice to lead our state toward a brighter and more equitable future.

Dana Caudill Jones (R) for North Carolina State Senate, District 31

Dana Caudill Jones is a passionate advocate for economic development and quality education in District 31. Her dedication to supporting local businesses, expanding workforce training and improving healthcare access demonstrates her commitment to addressing the unique needs of our community. Dana’s inclusive approach and unwavering dedication ensure that every voice in District 31 will be heard and respected in the state senate.

Donny Lambeth (R) for North Carolina House of Representatives, District 75

 Donny Lambeth brings a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to fostering economic growth and enhancing educational opportunities in District 75. His focus on affordable healthcare and mental health support is highlighted in his successful push for North Carolina to expand Medicaid. Donny’s leadership promises to drive progress and create lasting positive change for all residents of District 75.

Regina Ford Hall (D) for Winston-Salem City Council

Regina Ford Hall is dedicated to fostering a thriving, inclusive and sustainable Winston-Salem. Her passion for economic development, quality education and affordable housing underscores her commitment to improving the lives of all residents. Her emphasis on those living in poverty is a visible demonstration of the underlying values she will use to ensure that our city remains a vibrant and equitable place for everyone.

Robert C. Clark (R) for Winston-Salem City Council

Robert C. Clark is the lone Republican member of the city council. His focus on economic development and fiscally responsible government has positively impacted the overall well-being of Winston-Salem. His commitment to supporting local businesses, enhancing workforce development and promoting sustainable practices highlights his dedication to creating a city that works for its citizens. Robert’s inclusive approach to governance ensures that every constituent’s voice is heard and valued.

Shonna R. Alexander (D) District 31

Shonna R. Alexandar embodies the qualities of a true public servant, dedicated to justice, equity and accountability.

Vote for our future – Support these leaders for a stronger North Carolina and Winston-Salem.

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WS Chronicle

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