

Women come together in faith and fellowship

Women come together in faith and fellowship
October 25
00:00 2012

On Saturday, Oct. 13, nearly 100 ladies attended the Second Annual God’s Ladies of Wisdom (GLOW) Fall Dinner at West Salem Square, formerly the Hewitt Business Center.

Attendees of the free event were treated to a spirit-filled introduction to GLOW, which was founded by LaShonda Stone. Musical selections were performed by LaMonica Stone, and Minister Angela Manning gave a keynote address centered on the subject of friendship. A surprise guest, District Court Judge Denise Hartsfield, also briefly spoke. Attendees dined on a  Caribbean-themed dinner catered by St. Thomas native Marylene Joseph.

All guests in attendance brought canned-goods, which will be donated to the needy for this holiday season.

Stone says she came up with idea for GLOW in 2010, as she journeyed to the top of  Mt. Everest with her daughter, LaQuishia, who had won the trip through a project sponsored by Hanesbrands and Carver High School.

The amazing mother and daughter adventure reached the editors of O Magazine, and the Stones were featured in the January 2011 edition. After the trip, Stone said she wanted a way to reach and impact women. God’s Ladies of Wisdom provides supportive gatherings and events where women can collectively focus on deepening their faith, connecting spiritually and inspiring other women. The organization is being called “a sisterhood of integrity (for) women who connect through Godly love and anointing grace.”


To learn more about GLOW and how you can get involved, visit the group’s Facebook fan page  at  HYPERLINK “https://www.facebook.com/godsladiesofwisdom” https://www.facebook.com/godsladiesofwisdom.

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