

WS/FCS Title I Department meets with N.C. Principal of the year

WS/FCS Title I Department meets with N.C. Principal of the year
October 26
09:30 2017

Since 1984, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and Wells Fargo Bank have partnered to recognize North Carolina’s most dynamic public school principals.

The 2017 North Carolina Principal of the Year is Jason Griffin. Mr. Griffin is the principal of Hertford Elementary School in Perquimans County, North Carolina. Herford Elementary is a Title I school with a student body of approximately 400 students. Prior to becoming the principal, Mr. Griffin had served in the capacities of teacher and dean of students at Herford Elementary.
By using innovative and effective practices Mr. Griffin was able to move his school from a School Performance Grade of F to a School Performance Grade of B. The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools’ Title I department staff and Instructional Superintendent Dr. Lionel Kato met with Mr. Griffin to discuss effective strategies and interventions for promoting and facilitating student growth and achievement.

Mr. Griffin shared many ideas and techniques he and his staff implemented in order to see such an increase in their student growth and proficiency levels.

“We are excited that Mr. Griffin could be with us today,” Title I Executive Director Dr. Patsy Squire said. “Our mission this year is to be a resource for Title I schools. We intend to support our schools in every way we can,” Squire continued. “We will continue to ensure our schools and district are in compliance with our local, state, and federal guidelines, however we [Title I] are also focusing on meeting the needs of our students and teachers,” Squire explained.

The Title I Department plans to continue to sponsor activities and events such as the visit from Mr. Griffin to demonstrate how the department plans to live its mission of Educating the Whole Child, All Day, Every Day!

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