WSSU welcomes new provost
Dr. Anthony Graham

Dr. Anthony Graham, the new provost for Winston-Salem State University (WSSU), is hitting the ground running.
Graham, who started on July 2, spent much of his first week at WSSU meeting with faculty, staff and students and touring the campus.
“I’m happy to be here,” Graham told students during a stop in an anatomy and physiology class on Tuesday, July 3. “I want to listen, to observe and get to know each and every one you.”
During his tour of the W.B. Atkinson Science Building, he also met with students who are taking a biology lab, toured classrooms and offices of the Department of Chemistry and viewed construction on the new sciences building next door.
Graham said he’s arriving at just the right time.
“With the new academic year just a few weeks away, there’s an excitement about what lies ahead,” Graham said. “I see myself as a servant. It is my honor to serve in this role and alongside such dedicated faculty and staff, and I am grateful for the kindness I have received from the Ram Family over the past few weeks. I look forward to talking with faculty and staff, students, alumni and our business and community partners. Each person’s input is crucial as we continue to improve what we do to better serve our community and the state of North Carolina.”
Graham said those who have ideas or would like to meet with him are welcome to contact his office at (336) 750-2200.
Graham was named provost for WSSU in April. Most recently, the Kinston, North Carolina, native served as dean of the College of Education at North Carolina A&T State University. Previously, Graham worked as a high school English teacher and as an academic counselor/lecturer in the Center for Student Success at N.C. A&T.
Reporting to the chancellor, the provost is the chief educational and administrative officer for WSSU, leading the university in its academic and student support planning and in the setting of policies and practices that lead to student success outcomes.