Young Dems strike again
March 14
Young Democrats of Forsyth County President Quamekia Shavers and co-treasurer Sharbrye’ Lewis recently packaged food for the Maple Springs United Methodist Church Food Pantry.
Young Democrats wanted to assure they purchased items of need versus going for the traditional donation of canned foods.
Shavers sent out a challenge to all community leaders to donate food to the food pantry.
Feeding the hungry is a priority at Maple Springs. Their food pantry was established on Nov. 13, 2000 to offer short-term emergency food assistance to those in our local community who are in need. The panty’s operational hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m.
Maple Springs United Methodist Church is located at 2569 Reynolda Road.