Arts Council awards 6 mini-grants
The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County has announced its first round of 2016-2017 grants made through its Wells Fargo Community Enrichment Mini-Grant program.
These awards provide community groups and individuals with grants up to $500 to infuse the arts into all segments of the community, promote creativity, provide greater access to the arts and bring people together.
“These fall mini-grants will bring art experiences to diverse populations and enable unique collaborations in our community.”
said Dara Silver, grant program manager for The Arts Council. “We continue to be inspired by the ideas coming from individuals, community organizations, and businesses that have the desire to make a difference in our community through the arts.”
Projects selected:
*Hispanic League will partner with Reynolda House Museum of American Art on Thursday, Oct. 20, to host Columbian classical guitarist Roberto Martinez in the Colorful Sounds in Concert: Latin America. This partnership will celebrate the Hispanic League’s 25th Anniversary and will bring the two organizations together to begin to explore promoting art and culture to new audiences.
*N.C. Black Repertory Company will present a new outreach program titled, Living Room Theatre, for community members who are not physically able to attend shows at the theatre. They will bring actress Perri Gaffney’s one-woman show, The Resurrection of Alice, to hospital- bound and terminally ill patients at local hospitals, rehab facilities, and nursing homes in October 2016.
*Lewisville Area Arts Council will celebrate its 25th anniversary of Music in the Park on Oct. 8 at the Shallowford Square in Lewisville. This free community event features the Brothers Pearl band along with musical guests and exhibiting artists.
Community partners include Lewisville Recycle Committee, Lewisville Historical Society, Lewisville Civic Club.
*Cross the Line Project is a project of the UNCSA Student Board and will feature five concerts in October in nontraditional places. UNCSA students will perform classical music and engage their audience about the music as a way to keep classical music relevant. Partners include Homestead Hills Retirement Community, Old Salem Harvest Day Festival, Brookridge Retirement Community, and Reynolda Gardens.
*Piedmont Opera will partner with the local Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont Council to create a signature opera badge, provide educational programming and an opportunity to attend Puccini’s Tosca at the UNCSA Stevens Center in October.
*WS Shuffle will partner with CoffeePark Arts located in the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts to present a monthly showcase competition for artists including music, poetry, dance, and performing arts.
The competition is open to artists of all ages and has fostered many local talent-ed individuals.
Currently, the Arts Council has awarded 109 mini-grants totaling $28,000. The next due date for mini-grant applications is Friday, Oct. 27 by 5 p.m. for projects taking place Dec. 1, 2016 – Feb. 28, 2017.
For more information about Community Enrichment Mini-Grants contact Dara Silver, senior administrative assistant, special projects, and grant program manager at 336- 747-1426 or