80th Eastern Region Anniversary Conference of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. held virtually

The 80th Eastern Region Anniversary Conference of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., almost did not take place. COVID-19 forced the anniversary committee to question whether conducting a conference was prudent out of concern for the wellbeing of its members. Additionally, states ordered hospitality venues to limit seating capacity or close altogether. This promptly put a halt to the April 23-26 original dates of the annual meeting, which was to be held in Wilmington, Del. The Eastern Region extends from Connecticut to North Carolina, serving over 800 members.
Dr. Patsy O. Squire was not going to be deterred by circumstances that seemed beyond her control. This would be her first conference as the Eastern Regional Director, and this was her meeting to oversee. So, she got to work reimagining how a conference could happen. Embracing the technology and platforms available to hold virtual meetings and conduct the business of the organization, the conference became the Virtual 80th Anniversary Conference. President Glenda Sinclair and Beta Tau Chapter of Salisbury, Md. hosted the conference. The women educators did not have to leave the comfort of their homes and more than 413 members registered and attended for two full days on July 24 and 25, 2020.
Members participated in excellent virtual professional development workshops, a Literacy Luncheon, awards ceremony, Founders’ Tea, and the region crowned the first ever Ms. NSPDK.
Attending the conference were the National President of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., Dr. Etta F. Carter, and guest past National President Ann D. Black and the National Executive Council. The theme for the conference was “Putting the Pieces Together: Sisterhood, Education and Cultural Relevance.”
Professional development workshops included: Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Resilience and Loneliness, Starting Your Own Business, Want to Write a Book?, Book Club Selection, “An American Marriage.”
Awards presented included local recipients Ann Moye, Beta Lambda Chapter, and Ms. NSPDK, Eastern Region, Valeria Edwards, Beta Lambda Chapter, both of Winston-Salem.
During the Literacy Luncheon, members met the Fennell Family of Atlanta, Ga. This family of entrepreneurs and young authors shared the stories behind their books that are based on vacations and family travels. The family is also in the publishing business and offers courses and seminars on writing books.
The conference was quite successful, inspirational, educational, entertaining, and fun. Beta Chapter President Donna Mickens was elated to have 21 members in attendance at the Virtual Eastern Regional Conference. She stated, “Having a virtual conference turned out to be better than anyone dreamed.”
For additional information, visit www.nspdkeasternregion.org.