Editorial: Letters to the Editor

Fansler for School Board
To the Editor:
Katherine Fansler for School Board At-Large – many people who have met her already realize that she is exactly the type of school board member we need at this time.
“Kathie” is well qualified because she has had experience in the business world as well as a local first grade teacher for the past 10 years at a high-risk school. She genuinely enjoys teaching and as the first member of her family to attend college, she knows firsthand the value of a good education. Having known Katherine Fansler for only a short time, I have been impressed by her work ethic, her integrity, her intellect, and her grasp of the fundamentals of running an effective campaign. She is not a politician, but rather one who cares deeply about what is happening to our schools in North Carolina.
How fortunate we are to have a fine slate of candidates vying for school board seats, and at the top of the heap is the fresh, energetic and positive voice of Katherine Fansler. She is the caliber of person we need to elect to be an advocate for both our students as well as our teachers. Above all, please vote early or on May 6.
Anne G. Wilson
Vote for Franco
To the Editor:
I have had the distinct honor of working with Valene Franco at Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc.
Many in our community know Valene for her extensive work in protecting victims of domestic violence in Forsyth County, contributing to a countywide infrastructure to address the needs of abused spouses and children, and for providing a voice for those who often go unrecognized in our very own neighborhoods. However, there is a side of Valene that many may not have seen.
Valene is committed to her community. She has engaged in helping our youth reach the goal of college admission that often escapes so many. She has participated in a wide array of civic organizations and bar associations, with the ultimate goal of improving the community around her. She has given her time and energy to the people of Forsyth County for over 11 years. She is a loving mother, an incredible attorney and an even better person of the highest professional integrity. This is in addition to her expansive legal acumen, her impeccable sense of advocacy and her motivation to achieve.
It is with this in mind that I nominated Valene Franco for (District Court) Judge. Because in spite of a sense of justice and the harsh punishments we seek judges to display on criminals in our community, we also need to have people on the bench who actually listen to our concerns before passing judgment, who understand our situations and shortcomings and who believe in allowing us the opportunity to experience the true fairness that so often goes absent in the courtroom.
We need people on the bench who are knowledgeable of the law and, more importantly, its effects on our daily lives. We need people on the bench who can relate to others on a personal level, and not view others as merely another cog in the wheel. Someone to hold us accountable, but also to protect us when we are unfairly mistreated, discriminated against, or silenced by figures of supposed authority. We need someone who understands that justice is for ALL, and is not merely reserved for the few who can afford it.
I believe that if you also support those principles, you will find Valene Franco to be the best suited candidate. Thus, I hope that you will join me in supporting Valene K. Franco in her campaign to become the next Forsyth County District Court Judge.
Jesse Hamilton McCoy II, Esq.