Posts From WS Chronicle

Work of Hispanic artists to be featured

    Work of Hispanic artists to be featured

The Hispanic Arts Initiative’s inaugural exhibition, “Punto de Vista – Latino Perspectives: A Cultural Journey through Art,” will feature the work of 15 North Carolina Latino artists. The show will

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WFU women honored at ‘Justice Awards’

    WFU women honored at ‘Justice Awards’

Wake Forest University Professor Beth Hopkins and WFU Law student Kristina Wolf were among nine Wake Forest women recognized at the 2012 Women of Justice Awards reception, which was held

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Local team takes tough loss at Pop Warner Super Bowl

    Local team takes tough loss at Pop Warner Super Bowl

The Winston-Salem Indians Midget Team fell to the Canyon Hills Lancers of California 38-6 earlier this week in the first-round of Division I National Competition at the 56th annual Pop Warner Super Bowl

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WSSU bucking HBCU norms on road to title

    WSSU bucking HBCU norms on road to title

There’s an all-too-obvious degree of difficulty for black colleges to ascend to the mountaintop in the NCAA football playoffs. Florida A&M is the first and only black school to ever

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The Womble Victory

    The Womble Victory

We rejoice with Rep. Larry Womble for his vindication from the misdemeanor death by motor vehicle charge that he faced

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Mount Sinai again launches Operation Thanksgiving

    Mount Sinai again launches Operation Thanksgiving

At the center of the ministerial pursuits of the Rev. Yvonne H. Hines and the congregants of Mount Sinai Full

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Tickets available for NFL breakfast

    Tickets available for NFL breakfast

The Laymen’s League of Mount Zion Baptist Church of Winston-Salem is sponsoring its eighth annual NFL (Network, Fellowship and Learn)

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Time for justice for Wilmington Ten

    Time for justice for Wilmington Ten

People across the nation are joining the effort to urge outgoing Gov. Bev. Perdue to pardon the Wilmington Ten, whose

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Bring Glory to God

    Bring Glory to God

Devotional Reading: Psalm 33:8-12 Lesson Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14 Lesson Aims: To recognize the purpose of our salvation; to understand the

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Letters to the Editor

    Letters to the Editor

The following is an open letter to Gov. Perdue from Chronicle Publisher Ernie Pitt urging the governor to pardon the

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