Beautiful eyes add glamour even when wearing a mask
Theresa Campbell carries an array of makeup tools and products at her studio.

By Judie Holcomb-Pack
Makeup artist and beauty consultant Theresa Campbell recently discussed the effect of months of wearing face masks due to the pandemic. She expressed concern that women weren’t taking care of their skin and the pandemic was making people become lazy in their appearance because they were hiding behind their masks. Campbell commented that even at her age, “my mother won’t take out her trash without her makeup on.”
Originally from Chicago, Campbell moved to Winston-Salem in 2006 to be closer to family. She shared that both her grandmother and mother started out as cosmetologists, but later became nurses. Early on she knew that she wasn’t interested in a nursing career. She did pursue a career in law, but upon attending law school she realized that her true passion was for cosmetology and fashion.
As a model at the age of 16, Campbell had an opportunity to go to New York, but her mother thought she was too young to go there alone. Campbell found the perfect career in cosmetology and she has been doing it for over 20 years. She has worked with Avon, Belk, and Dillard’s, representing the top cosmetic lines. Three years ago she opened her own business, “Faces by Theresa Campbell,” representing Flori Robers, Adrien Arpel and Gale Hayman of Beverly Hills. Campbell works with clients one-on-one in personal consultations, and also offers skin care classes and makeup for portfolios and wedding parties. Campbell said she enjoys teaching people about skin care and makeup application. “It just feels natural to help people,” she commented.
One thing Campbell is adamant about is taking care of your skin. Campbell says, “Your skin is the largest organ of the body and you protect it with clothes, but you should protect your face, too. It’s what people first look at.” Campbell says when someone comes for a make-up consultation, she first says, “Let’s get your skin together.” She said you can’t put makeup on top of skin that’s in bad shape and expect it to look nice.
Campbell especially focuses on the eyes because “the eyes will wrinkle before anything else.” Eyes can age, become dry and develop dark circles or spots. “At night a good eye serum repairs your skin while you are sleeping,” and during the day it protects from the harmful environment.
Campbell said since we’re frequently wearing masks now, skin care is even more important. She stressed that skipping skin care due to no one seeing your face isn’t wise, because when the mask comes off, the damage is still there. She recommends cleaning your skin twice a day, along with using a toner, moisturizer, eye cream, facial serum and lip moisturizer.
This advice is just not for older women! Campbell said young women should start their skin care routine in their early 20s so when they get in their 60s or older, their skin will still be beautiful and will defy their age.
Campbell also has her husband on a daily skin care routine and says that men should be taking care of their skin, too. She said men may not be talking about it, but many are also using skin care.
Considering that we are now wearing masks in public and probably will be for many months to come, more emphasis has been put on eyes. Campbell offered several tips for creating beautiful eyes that will be stunning above your mask.
First, begin with a good quality eye cream and gently pat around your eyes and to your brows. Next, use a concealer that matches your skin tone and lightly pat under your eyes or on the lids to cover any dark spots. An eye shadow primer is great to use on your eye lids to prepare them for color and to prevent creasing.
Campbell usually advises using neutral colored eye shadows, but if you want your eyes to pop, you can use a vibrant color on your eye lids blended with a slightly lighter color above. A good make-up brush is essential for applying eye color. Campbell says, “Your blending brush is your best friend … use it to blend eye colors using a motion like windshield wipers.” For a dramatic effect, dot some shimmery gold eye shadow under the brow and blend slightly. A liquid or pencil eyeliner is used to line your eyes above your eye lashes and a good quality mascara finishes the look. Campbell does not recommend applying false eyelashes because the glue can damage the skin or eyes. Instead, invest in a quality mascara that will lengthen and add volume to thin lashes. Makeup should look natural and enhance your natural beauty, not cover it up.
Campbell stressed that women really need to take care of themselves. “There’s no reason for any woman to go out looking like a hot mess,” she said with a smile. Don’t let the pandemic be an excuse for not looking your best, both under and above that mask!
For more information on Faces by Theresa Campbell, or to arrange a personal consultation, call 336-837-0304 or email