

Busta’s Person of the Week: Tap into your vision to success with Tammy Watson

Busta’s Person of the Week: Tap into your vision to success with Tammy Watson
December 23
11:06 2020

By Busta Brown

In 2018, Tammy Watson was in Israel overlooking the Sea of Galilee and received a message from God that has changed her life forever, and thousands of her social media friends as well.  

As a child, Tammy worked on her Grandfather’s farm in South Carolina packing watermelons and farming. “My mom was a seamstress, so she was an entrepreneur all of her life. So, between the two of them, I learned great work ethics,” she said. 

After graduating in 1987, she attended Winston-Salem State University for a couple of years, while driving a school bus part-time. All of that changed during the process of closing on a home. “When I got to the closing table, I noticed how my real estate agent made a ton of money and I was like, ‘I can do this.’ And I’ve been a real estate agent since the age of 24 and now I own my firm,” said Tammy. She was making plenty of money, but learned that money wasn’t the key to happiness. “I divorced my husband, became a single mother, along with some other challenges. I didn’t know who I was or what made me happy. A lot of people focus on money, houses, and material things to manifest in their lives. But, if you don’t know who you are or your purpose, you won’t enjoy the money and success,” said Tammy. 

It was during that visit to Israel while overlooking the Sea of Galilee when everything came into fruition. “My life coach Danny Johnson walked up to me and she said to me, ‘Tammy, this is your year.’ She would say that to me every year, but I never believed her, because I didn’t know how to believe in myself. But while overlooking the Sea of Galilee, something happened to me. I looked at Danny and said, ‘You are right, this is my year.” 

At that time, Tammy was on a 12-year journey working on her life, a journey to heal spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. It was in 2019 she began working on 12 areas of her life, which included personal growth, parenting skills, marriage relationship, how to increase her income, and entrepreneurial skills. She created a vision board, but got very little results. Yet, her tenacity to play to win, she continues to press on. 

Tammy received a vision from God to write “The Vision Within: Vison Book.” Most of us have heard of a vision board, but Watson was inspired by the scripture Habakkuk 2:2, “Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, so that he may run that reads it,” and so she wrote “The Vision Within: The Vision Book.” After writing her first vision book, Tammy’s finances grew even more. She and her husband of 17 years were able to pay off a $1.2 million debt and their marriage is stronger than ever. She and her husband traveled to Belize to build a 10,000 square-foot home, a children’s home and orphanage. “We give thousands of dollars yearly to the widowed and those in need of a hand up. 

“I credit my success and happiness to writing my vision book. I’ve created a vision for my finances, health, happiness, and even how to have fun. Every aspect of my life has prospered because of writing my vision book. I truly believe if I hadn’t created a vision for my son, he would be in jail today. He went through a legal issue, but because I wrote my vision for him, God revealed the truth to the court, my son was found innocent, and his good name was restored,” said Tammy. Her son is now attending college and is flourishing academically and becoming a star athlete. 

Why should we purchase “The Vision Within: Vision book”?  “The reason I wrote my book, is because I want people to understand the difference between a vision book and vision board. God asked me to write this book to show people that they are the author of their life. Everyone already has a vision inside of them, but haven’t tapped into it. When you begin to write your vision, you begin to line up with God’s purpose for your life. When you see your life on paper, you begin to tap into you and not how anyone else sees you. Not even how your past sees you. You begin to see the amazing future that God has for you, and then design it the way you choose. And when life hits you, you won’t be shaking or broken, because you have a vision for your life, which creates structure and the confidence to keep you moving forward. This is why we all need a vision book,” said Tammy. 

She said it’s so simple that I should have my 8-year- old son Nate write his vision book. “When he’s challenged by peer pressure, he’ll refer to his vision book and won’t submit to his friend’s bad intentions. Once he’s a teenager, he’ll already be on that road to success financially, spiritually, academically, physically and mentally. Once you write your vision book, and see it, it will help you commit to it that vision. So, make sure you’re very intentional about what you write. 

“I wrote a vision on how to find my father’s family, because we didn’t have the best relationship. Because of my commitment to that vision, I met his family and they shared how much my father loved and adored me. If I hadn’t done that, I would’ve believed the opposite. God is so good!” she said with a smile of joy and relief. 

Tammy Watson’s book has helped rebuild the confidence in women who had given up on love and marriage. She taught them how to write their vision of love and the man of their dreams. “So many of them were broken due to the lies they were told and they believed those lies, and settled with believing they would never get married or find true love. After writing their vision book, all of the ladies are ready to find love again. I also teach you how to write a vision for your money, and how to manage and grow it. A lot of people pay their tithes, but don’t manage their own money. If you pay a $250 cable bill over a ten-year period, that’s $45,000. You’re putting someone else’s child through college. My book will help you write a vision on how to survive the pandemic, a vision for weight loss, and your role in making your community better, a vision for every aspect of your life. You are the author and director for your life. So, are you going to be the actor in your life story, or the director and writer, and then tell it yourself? A vision book will give you order and the ability to leave a legacy for your family. Because of my vision book, I’m a different Tammy than I was 12 years ago.”

 “The Vision Within: Vison Book” is an excellent gift for you to usher into the New Year. To purchase the book and learn more about my phenomenal Person of the Week, Tammy Watson, visit her website  at https://www.visionbookclub.com/ or call 336-995-4528. You can purchase her book on Amazon, and sign up with 2021 Casting your Vision with Tammy Watson Coaching Program at  www.visionboomckub.com,

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