

Busta’s Sisters of the Week: Local sisters help you save money by using your cell phone

Busta’s Sisters of the Week: Local sisters help you save money by using your cell phone
November 03
12:07 2023

By Busta Brown

When Tamica Tatum approached her sister Seny about starting a couponing business, she was very reluctant. And then she saw the amazing benefits and a huge difference in her savings account. 

Budgeting is a critical financial skill that sisters Seny and Tamica teach their thousands of viewers. “Our videos take our viewers into stores such as Walmart, Target, Walgreens, and Dollar General, teaching them how to save as much money as they can by using their cell phones,” shared Seny. 

I’ve watched some of their videos and I love how they give you the deadline for when a product will no longer be on sale and any rebates that the product has as well. Seny and her big sister Tamica also give us suggestions about what products are best for your lifestyle. 

During one of the videos, the Tatums showed their viewers a product that cost $3 but used a $1.50 digital coupon, which cut the price in half. “We are saving you 50-90% on some of the items online. A back scrubber that cost $99, we’ll show you how to buy it for just $26.99. A $51.99 humidifier will cost you only $20.79,” Seny shared on one of the Sisters Saving U Cents videos. 

As I watched Sisters Saving U Cents, I shook my head as I thought about all the money I could have saved if I had known about the videos.  

Let’s meet these beautiful and brilliant sisters and find out how we can save hundreds of dollars just by using our cell phone.

Tell us about why you thought it would be a great idea to start Sisters Saving U Cents!  

We teach people how to save money just using their cell phone through our social media channels and soon to be virtual classes. We do this through the power of couponing! Think of us as your ultimate saving coach. This has opened doors to being an influencer within this niche. 

Tamica has always been a frugal shopper, but she was introduced to the world of couponing through the extreme couponing show on television years ago. After that, she recruited me, and the rest is history!

What makes your couponing business different from the others? 

Our company is set apart because of who we are. We are two sisters within the couponing niche. To our knowledge this has never been done and it has been well received. People think of us as family because they can feel our connection through our videos. They call us their sisters and we have created a sisterhood of people who love to save money!

What do your videos teach viewers? 

We take our viewers into stores such as Walmart, Target, Walgreens, and Dollar General, teaching them how to save as much money as they can by using their cell phones.

Can we use our coupons to shop online? 

Yes, there are ways to save money online using rebate apps and promo codes. Our favorite online store is Amazon, because you can get items for free and use promo codes to save up to 90% on items every day!

Tell us about the classes that you host. 

We host couponing classes and one-on-one sessions to teach others how to maximize their savings. We like to do this by teaching the basic fundamentals of couponing and providing knowledge that can be applied to every store. We ideally like to host these classes in community centers, churches, or virtually.

What are some of the challenges you’ve faced on your journey to success? 

We have faced many challenges along the way. Les Brown once said, “There’s a price you pay for not knowing.” This resonates with us because we had to teach ourselves everything we know until we became monetized. Social media is constantly changing and we have learned how to pivot at any given time. Also, being online comes with judgment and unwarranted opinions about how we speak, dress, or look.

Do you and your sister always see eye to eye? 

We don’t always see eye to eye but that’s what siblings do. We see things from different perspectives because we are nine years apart. However, this is what makes us a great team. Where one of us has a weaker skill set, the other is strong. We use our differences to make us better.

Tell us about the relationship you have with your social media family, how many there are, and what social media platforms you use? 

We are incredibly blessed to call our followers family. They are extremely supportive and protective of us. As of today, we have over 100,000 followers across all of our social media channels:

*TikTok (23,000): https://www.tiktok.com/@sisterssavingucents 

*YouTube (30,000): https://m.youtube.com/c/SistersSavingUCents 

*Instagram (63,000): https://instagram.com/sisterssavingucents 

*Facebook (1,700): https://m.facebook.com/sisterssavingucents 

What challenges do you face in a business such as this? 

We are constantly faced with coupon policy changes, along with restrictions within the rebate apps. At times, we also have to educate employees on company coupon policies.

What is your endgame with your business? 

Our desire has always been to save families and individuals money! However, the bigger picture is seeing how the money saved impacts their lives. We have seen people pay for things like their family vacations, cars, and loans. We want to share this with our community and help eliminate some of their needs by teaching them this skill set.

Do you and your sister have a favorite scripture or quote that gives you strength to keep pushing forward during those tough days? 

We don’t have too many tough days because we love what we do! However, we do get tired and overwhelmed at times. We look to Galatians 6:9: “And don’t allow yourselves to be weary in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming.”

My phenomenal Sisters of the Week are Seny and Tamica Tatum. 

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