SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE According to an analysis by PayScale Inc., creator of the largest database of individual compensation profiles in the world, Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) ranks fourth in
BY CASH MICHAELS FOR THE CHRONICLE When the state Senate originally proposed several weeks ago to designate struggling Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) as one of three historically black UNC
SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE RALEIGH – Mark Jewell, currently serving his second term as vice president of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), has been elected as the association’s
SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Five principals in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools have accepted new positions within the district. Karen Roseboro will be the Priority Schools Coordinator; Donna Cannon will be the
SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Essie McKoy will be the principal/executive director of Philo-Hill Magnet School beginning in 2016-17, as the
SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Four new principals have been named to lead schools in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools starting with the
SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Four new principals have been named to lead schools in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools starting with the
Quality Education Academy (QEA) held its eighth commencement ceremony with an audience of over 500 family, friends, and community members.
Instructors and Elders of the Kemet Academy Summer Camp completed the first week of classes, which began on June 13 and will continue until Aug. 18. The program lasts from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Marcus Jeffery Williams, a graduating senior at Walkertown High School was selected as the Darryl A. Prince Sr. scholarship recipient for 2016.