Church celebrates young people and youth choir
The ladies sing at the beginning of service to honor the youth and youth choir last Sunday at New Direction Movement Cathedral.
Photo by Timothy Ramsey
Celebrating the youth in our churches is the positive reinforcement that our young people need. The youth choir of New Direction Movement Cathedral celebrated their first anniversary Sunday, Sept. 25.
The youth were involved throughout the service by serving as ushers, making the announcements and leading prayers, and the youth choir performed during the 11 a.m. service. A special choir anniversary service was held at 5 p.m. on Sunday to honor the forming of the youth choir a year ago.
Youth coordinator Kamryn Barr said the idea for the anniversary came to her because the youth choir has not been consistent in recent years and wanted to praise the efforts of the young people in the church.
“We haven’t had a steady youth choir in years and our youth need to be doing something in church,” said Barr. “We haven’t had a choir anniversary in years, so this is exciting for our church.”
During the morning service, the kids performed a choreographed dance routine that brought a smile to many faces. The choir also sang beautifully during the a.m. service that set the stage for more to come in the evening service.
Church Pastor Essie McCullough delivered the sermon for the morning worship. Her message of “Make Jesus your choice” seemed to resonate throughout the room. She says they hold a youth day once a month and it’s a “time for the children to come and show God and that’s what we are supposed to do as children.”
“Our youth day is the greatest time for our children to come and let the world know we need God and God needs us, “McCullough said. “The Bible says train up a child in the way he should come and when he is old he will not depart from it and I know because I’m a witness.”
She went on to say, “Children need to show what is in them because what’s being put into them is what’s going to come out of them. We want our children to serve and feel important and know you are somebody because without children, where would we be? It’s so important that they get the word in them, that they are educated, but most of all they need to know who God is.”
The evening service for the youth choir attracted just as many in the congregation as the morning service. The church was joined by the youth choir from Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, who sang a selection.
Gah’ques Ligons and T&K Mime Ministry both performed a mime routine during the service that was well received. Closing remarks were made by Pastor McCullough.