Commissioners approve funding to enhance Tuberculosis Infection testing
During their meeting on Thursday, Nov. 15, the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners approved a budget ordinance to increase Latent Tuberculosis (TB) infection screening in the area.
During their meeting on Thursday, Nov. 15, the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners approved a budget ordinance to increase Latent Tuberculosis (TB) infection screening in the area.
Earlier this year the Department of Public Health received notification that they had received an additional $3,326 from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Epidemiology and Communicable Disease Branch to enhance testing for the illness that affects the lungs.
According to Assistant County Manager Ronda Tatum, because the funds are part of a federal grant, funds awarded to the Department of Public Health must be used by Dec. 31.
Unlike TB disease that can be spread from person to person and causes symptoms of coughs or sneezes containing the germ Mycobacterium tuberculosis, those with the Latent TB infection do not feel sick and do not have any symptoms. The only sign of TB infection is a positive reaction to the tuberculin skin test or TB Blood test.
Populations that are at increased risk of being diagnosed with TB infection are those who live or have lived in high-risk gathering areas such as homeless shelters. The latest tally of the homeless population in Forsyth County conducted by United Way earlier this year showed more than 400 homeless people living in the county.
In other business, the board also approved an amendment to the 2018-2019 budget ordinance to transfer contingency funds to the N.C. Cooperative Extension for the support of a Youth Urban Gardening Internship Program.
The mission of the N.C. Cooperative Extension is to help create prosperity for North Carolina through programs and partnerships focused on agriculture, food, health and nutrition. The transfer of $24,218 from a two-year grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust will extend the Youth Urban Gardening Internship Program to include three additional interns, bringing the total number of positions to 13.
The Board also voted to add new members to the Consolidated Human Service Board and the Forsyth County Historic Resources Commission. Linda Petrou was selected to serve in the role of “consumer” on the Human Services Board and Jordan Jones was selected to serve as archaeologist, landscape architect/designer, planner, surveyor and arborist for the Historic Resources Commission. Petrou’s term will expire September 2022 and Jones’ will expire in November 2019.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the regularly scheduled County Commissioners meeting for Thursday, Nov. 22, has been cancelled. The Board will meet again on Nov. 29 at the Forsyth County Government Building, 201 N. Chestnut St.