

Senior Spotlight — Linda Bagley

Senior Spotlight — Linda Bagley
July 11
00:00 2013

Name (nicknames)?  Linda Bagley. Have been affectionately called BagladyThe Bags.

Name (nicknames)?  Linda Bagley. Have been affectionately called Baglady, The Bags.

When and where were you born? Age is but a number and You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. June 17, 1942 in Washington, D.C.

What major historical events do you remember from your childhood?  The assassination of President Kennedy and the first flight into space. My father was a news photographer for the Evening Star newspaper in Washington, D.C. and many events were captured in his pictures which I have today. I have autographed photographs of Presidents Truman, Roosevelt and Eisenhower. I also have a picture that he took of President Kennedy’s funeral procession; Lauren Bacall with President Truman that caused quite a stir; and The Beatles when they first came to Washington. These pictures keep those historical events at the time alive for me. If you don’t know where you’ve been, you don’t know where you are going.

What activities do you participate in that keep you physically active?  Right now I am playing pickleball (the new game in town) and golf. I also like to walk, bike, kayak and ride my 4-wheeler in the mountains, especially with my grandchildren and friends. I like to be outdoors in the sunshine, blue sky and clouds with the birds and bees, spider webs and chipmunks. No snakes, please. Men do not quit playing because they grow old.  They grow old because they stop playing.

What activities do you participate in which keep you intellectually challenged?  I enjoy reading. I also like to tat, sew, crochet and knit. The yarn forms the stitches, the knitting forges the friendships, the craft links the generations. And, if you can knit, purl and follow instructions, you can make anything. My husband wishes I would add cooking to this list. Several years ago I decided to start playing Bridge again with the main purpose of being intellectually challenged. So, I bought “Bidding in the 21st Century” and enrolled in my own class. Fortunately, there is an active group of Bridge players at the Senior Center in Kernersville where I am challenged by many savvy Bridge players who have been added to my friend’s list.

What advice for healthy aging do you have for the next generation of seniors?  Each age group has its challenges. Certainly, being active and eating right is at the top of the list, along with family and friends and a positive attitude. I have lots of quotes I’ve read that I apply to my life, as you can see. Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.

Is there anything that scares you about the future? Explain.  I don’t really have any fears about the future. I live each day with appreciation and will be ready to move on to my “next life” when God calls. Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.  We grow old by deserting our ideals.  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

What do you like about being your age?  The hangups we used to have are insignificant. Appreciate and value life, family, friends. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well.  Just get up and dance.

Anything else you would like to add? Organizations you are affiliated with?  I do enjoy volunteering. When I first retired, I tutored and developed a field trip for students touring The Folly and the One Room Schoolhouse in Kernersville. I also designed “A Walk in Time,” a walk through the historic district with scenes at historic locations where Kernersville Little Theater actors portrayed Kernersville’s forefathers. Later decided that I wanted to “Discover ‘Your ville’ in Kernersville.” When you teach, you are so involved with your school and students you have little time to get involved in community activities. I now volunteer for the Historic Society, Kernersville Parks and Rec, The Chamber, Kernersville Little Theater, Shepherd’s Center and The Senior Center. They give me a date and tell me what they need. I show up and have fun with the  people in “My ville.” Puppet shows at the Folly, Mrs. Claus at the Christmas Tree lighting, Father Daughter Dance at Parks and Rec, Elf promoting downtown holiday shopping, 5K races. Life is what you make it.


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