

Fulton outlines Ministers’ Conference achievements

Fulton outlines Ministers’ Conference achievements
December 29
03:20 2016



The Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (MCWSV) has been led by Bishop Todd Fulton for the past two years.  During that span, the conference has seen an exponential growth in membership.  Bishop Fulton’s term as president is coming to a close, but his imprint on the conference will never be forgotten.

When Fulton took over as president, the conference was “on life support,” according to sources.  Fulton breathed life back into the conference by bringing in new members along with introducing new committees and strengthening the validity overall.

“For me it speaks to what Dr. King said and that is we can all be great and that way we can all be great is by serving,” said Fulton.  “The thing the I will miss most is the work that I was instrumental in, such as our food justice and drivers license efforts.  I’ll still be here behind the scenes, so I’ll still be here working.”

Fulton says the food justice program is the closest to his heart.  The community garden at 22nd street and Cleveland Avenue is helping to feed scores of individuals.  Also he was involved in the Conference’s work with getting fines eliminated so thousands of individuals were able to clear their driving records and obtain their drivers license once again. He said that work means a great deal to him.

He went on to say that he is pleased by the release of Kalvin Michael Smith and the concessions that will be made for him.  He also wanted to say he was excited for the new attorney general, Josh Stein, and new governor, Roy Cooper and eagerly anticipates the great things they have in store for the state of North Carolina.

Fulton says the highlight of his time as president of the conference came when they were able to provide $11,000 in scholarship money for local high school seniors. He says he looks forward to the new leadership of the conference under Dr. Lamont Williams.

When asked how he would like to see the conference progress in the future, Fulton said, “I would love to see more female pastors involved and definitely want to embrace younger pastors as well.  But we must also not forget the wisdom of our senior pastors like Dr.[John] Mendez and Dr.[Carlton] Eversley because it’s their wisdom that has gotten me and our cabinet to this point.”

About Author

Timothy Ramsey

Timothy Ramsey

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