
Kwanzaa celebration ends with focus on Imani (Faith)

The dancers from Greater Vision Dance Company perform a routine during the Imani celebration.

Kwanzaa celebration ends with focus on Imani (Faith)
January 05
04:20 2017

Photo by Timothy Ramsey



2016 marked the 50th anniversary of the celebration of Kwanzaa.  This past Sunday was a celebration of the principle Imani, which means faith.  The guests of honor were Warren and Georjean Moore, owners of Irie Rhythms restaurant.

The Imani day was sponsored by Greater Vision dance company and St. Philips Heritage Center.  The program was family oriented, including African drumming, music, service recognitions, inspirational messages, food and fellowship.  The celebration was held at the Old Salem Museum and Gardens.

To kick off the day’s events, there was a vendor mar-ket for those who attended and wanted to look and shop.

The market was set up to try and keep the African-American dollar in the community longer than it currently does at six hours. The service started with the asking of permission from the elders to proceed with the program. Dances from the Greater Vision dance company and a fashion show followed.  Dr. Felecia Piggott-Long performed an original poem.

A tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Moore was next. Some reflected on the impact the couple has made in their lives.  The Moores were then present-ed with a plaque and thanked everyone for the for the well wishes.  Mr. Moore is a former band instructor in the Forsyth County school system and Mrs. Moore is a African dance instructor.

“I am literally speech-less, and I think it’s awe-some,” Mrs. Moore said. “I can think of so many other people that deserve this, and I’m so honored they decided to honor us.”

“We have connections  in the community and have had them for years and what we do is second nature, so we didn’t expect to be honored .

When they told us, we were absolutely floored and we are just excited about it,” Mr. Moore added.

Cheryl Harry, director of African-American programming at Old Salem, said, “For me this is very important because there are a lot of people out there making sure our culture goes forward that don’t get all the recognition.  These are the people that are laying the foundation because if you lose your heritage you lose your power.”

Both Mr. and Mrs. Moore were stunned by the reception from their former students.  They said they became a bit emotional because over the years, their only goal was to impart knowledge.

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Timothy Ramsey

Timothy Ramsey

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