Let’s Talk Religion: Is homosexuality still taboo in the church?
When I think about ideas to write about for this section, I often stop myself before I begin, due to the subject matter. Some topics I would love to touch on are just too inflammatory right now, especially with how politically correct the world has become.
I went back and forth for several days about this subject, as I did not want to offend anyone, but simply wanted to spark conversation, as usual. I feel we are at a point in this country where we can discuss sexual preferences and orientations, even in the church.
I am nearly 40 years of age, so when I was a child homosexuality was not really discussed. We especially did not discuss the topic about individuals in the church. I remember going to church and thinking something was a little different about our choir director. Since I was maybe eight or nine at the time, I had no idea what I found different.
I know it is kind of a long-running joke that the choir director in many black churches is gay. It’s a tired joke that has been around for decades, but in my case it was true. Before anyone makes any assumptions about my feelings on the subject, it does not matter to me what your preference is. Human beings are human beings, no matter what.
As I matured and understood sexuality and some people’s feelings about gay people in the church, I understood why some felt they could not come out of the closet, so to speak. I was always taught not to judge, so I’ve always thought “to each his own.”
But there was always that “church elder” who would make dispiriting remarks when referring to gay men in the church. Not all the comments I heard as a youngster were negative, but they were present.
Those opposed to gays or homosexuality in the church would refer to Leviticus 18 and 20 and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as to God’s direct opposition to homosexuality. I am not a Biblical scholar, but I’m pretty sure God also condemned murder, fornication, adultery, drunkenness, thievery, or taking the Lord’s name in vain, among many other sins.
My question has always been, why is it okay for those who have committed those sins to attend church, but not those who are gay? I am not saying being gay is a sin, but for those who think it is, what makes one sin more severe than another?
The topic of homosexuality is more accepted than ever in society, but is that the same case inside the house of the Lord? I reached out to a couple of people who are clergy, along with individuals who are very committed to their church, and most all of them were not opposed to gay individuals in the church.
That tells me that we are headed in the right direction.