Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
To the Northeast Ward residents who voted for me; to the generous donors who made it possible for me to run for Winston-Salem City Council; to the dozens of volunteers who gave tireless service to my campaign; and to my loving and supportive family and dear friends, I send my profound and heartfelt thanks.
Enormous admiration and appreciation go to my campaign committee, strongly and wisely led by Nigel D. Alston. (The committee members) are Candice Benbow, Sandra Boyette, Bobby Bradley, Bryce DelGrande, Colista Ramseur-Green, Lucrecia Moore, Jimmy Norwood, Wenna Phelps, Beverly Robinson and Annette Wilson. They poured heart and soul into our work relentlessly and with great collegiality and imagination.
Winston-Salem is a wonderful city to call home, and I look forward to my ongoing participation in building its bright future.
Brenda B. Diggs
Peace for Syria
To the Editor:
I am so grateful that our Lord God has given President Obama an alternative to a military attack in Syria.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, make statements to the media following meetings regarding Syria, at a news conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Saturday Sept. 14, 2013.
Thanks to everyone who prayed for peace and non-violent help. Let’s continue to pray that this alternative through Russia does the job and that Syria will end their civil war.
This is a witness to what God can do when the world prays and seeks our Prince of Peace.
Rev. Laura Spangler,
Lloyd Presbyterian Church