

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
July 01
14:00 2020

Does America need to be number one?

To The Editor:

President Donald J. Trump committed a serious indiscretion when he re-tweeted a video containing a man yelling, “White power! White power! White power!” Although I sympathize in no degree with this racist and his views, I know where his ideology comes from. It comes from the need to belong to a group that is stronger than others; it comes from a need to compete and be number one.  

President Trump displays this need to be number one and greater than others in his comments. He often speaks of America as being number one! Similarly, President Trump touts the slogan “MAGA.” He speaks of “Making America Great Again.” So many people want to join a group and make that group the strongest and wealthiest group there is. This goes for countries, too. I would be happy if our country, instead of being number one, were a land of equality, respect, and open minds.  

President Trump’s “MAGA” slogan suggests that our country faired poorly under former President Obama. It didn’t. Many of the economic policies that Barack Obama put into place created an upward trajectory that continues well into Trump’s presidency. Former President Barack Obama dug this country out of a recession as much or more than Trump.

I know the need to compete and be number one, but I know how to bridle this ideology when it becomes obsessive. When I was a youth I played soccer. It was my routine to score two goals per game. (I was an athlete.) After scoring two goals, I would set my teammates up to score goals for the rest of the soccer match. I felt that blatantly showing my skills was an abuse of competition. I know that good deeds are repaid.

America doesn’t need to be number one. I’m not suggesting that America and its citizens need to be mediocre. I know that Americans live in a global society. When we help our fellow man, regardless of what country he may call home, it comes back to us. I am reminded of a passage from the Bible: “…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Matthew 20:26.

Marshall A. Mays


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