Local nonprofit feeds hundreds with food pantry
Hope to Thrive’s Holistic Produce Pantry donated more than 1,600 pounds of food last month.

Hope to Thrive, a local non-profit dedicated to inspiring hope for individuals, families, and communities to thrive in complete health and wellbeing, is doing its part to build food security in communities that need it most.
With a few donations from a local church, in March 2020 Joy Williams transformed her front yard into a food pantry. Although it was never in her plan to start a food pantry, a simple email started a movement and today Williams’ nonprofit provides food for more than 200 people a month.
According to Williams, Grace Presbyterian Church had a pantry that shut down at the start of the pandemic and the organizer reached out and asked if she knew anyone who needed produce. “I sent out an email and about 10 people responded at once and said they needed it,” said Williams when discussing how the pantry got started.
“We couldn’t go to the church so I just had everybody come to my front yard. That’s how it started and from there it just continued,” Williams continued. “I have a public health background so I saw an opportunity to use food as a way to offer other health resources as well.”
Now located at the local NAACP headquarters on Oak Ridge Drive, the Hope to Thrive Holistic Produce Pantry is an official affiliate of the local food bank, and provides free produce and other foods twice a week. Last month the pantry donated more than 1,600 pounds of food to more than 100 households. The pantry also provides families with information on dealing with mental health issues like stress and anxiety.
Williams said none of it would be possible without the help from volunteers from throughout the community and the NAACP. Volunteers pick up produce and other items like bread and milk throughout the week and sort through items before the pantry opens.
“This really is a community effort. From Mr. LeRoy, Mrs. Roxie, to Mrs. Evette and Mrs. Priscilla, these are people who come several times a week and they tell me what we need,” Williams said. “I feel humbled and I feel it’s truly an honor because everything that you see is because the community has come together.”
Hope to Thrive Holistic Pantry is open to the public Tuesdays 12 – 1 p.m. and Thursdays 2 – 3 p.m. at the NAACP Building, 4130 Oak Ridge Drive.
For more information on the pantry or to find out how to donate or volunteer, visit www.hope2thrive.com.