
The Mindset of “Customer” Service

The Mindset of “Customer” Service
March 05
00:00 2015

‘The Mindset of Customer Service’ is a critical competency for Piedmont Federal Savings Bank. We believe in getting to know customers by name and providing a level of personalized service that just cannot be found at other financial institutions. We share that same passion for extraordinary service with our fellow employees and within our communities. Last year, Piedmont Federal provided volunteer service and financial resources to more than 50 area organizations including Senior Services, Habitat for Humanity, Winston-Salem Street School, American Heart Association, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Cancer Services and United Way.

The key to having a mindset of customer service is to consistently respond to internal and external customers’ needs in a timely and courteous manner. Taking the time to examine requests, then properly identifying and resolving questions or concerns is our primary objective. It is very important to make this top of mind whether you represent a business, a service organization or a committed citizen in your community.

Below are eight easy rules to remember for maintaining the mindset of customer service. These best practices apply whether you use them at work, home or in your capacity as a volunteer.

1. Answer your phone. People want to talk with a live person, not hear a recorded message.

2. Don’t make promises unless you can keep them. Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship and good customer service is no exception.

3. Listen. Let the person you are serving talk and show him or her that you are actively listening by making the appropriate responses and suggestions to resolve the issue.

4. Deal with complaints. Give the complaint your full attention; you may be able to help this one person this one time—or multiple people over the long term.

5. Be helpful. Be able to offer pertinent advice. The answer you provide can be a big influence on how your service is perceived.

6. Always be courteous and knowledgeable. Courtesy is immediately noticed and your knowledge on the topic being discussed showcases your competency and credibility.

7. Take the extra step. Whatever the extra step may be, if you want to provide good customer service, take it. They may not say so to you, but people notice when you make an extra effort and will tell others.

8. Throw in something extra. You should finish helping a customer, employee or friend by actively suggesting a next step. Ask if there is anything else you can help with, offer more assistance and set a time to follow up.

When you dedicate yourself to providing the best service possible to customers, fellow employees, neighbors and friends, you make a positive difference every day!

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WS Chronicle

WS Chronicle

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