

New name, direction for Christian School

January 20
00:00 2013

First Assembly Christian School has changed its name to Winston Salem Christian School (WSCS), a move officials say better reflects a diverse student population that represents 58 area churches.

“This is absolutely a brand new day for Christian education in the Triad area,” said Winston Salem First (formerly Winston-Salem First Assembly Christian Church) Lead Pastor Dr. Mike Rakes, who announced the name change last week during a media conference that also included remarks from Mayor Allen Joines.

Rakes also announced that Dr. Harvey Dean, founder of Pitsco Education Inc., is partnering with the church and school by providing a $400,000 initial grant to launch a top-notch STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathatics) program. A comprehensive three-year partnership has also been inked with Metis Leadership Group that focuses on “creating a culture of achievement” that will help students, faculty and parents learn, teach and grow in a safe, happy, productive environment. Winston Salem First has made a $1,000,000 commitment to the education of the students at WSCS.

WSCS will be under the direction of Executive Pastor for Education and Development, Danny Bass, who has an MBA from Southeastern University and extensive fieldwork in the slums of Kenya. Officials say the school is looking for “overqualified educators willing to invest in the next generation with a passion for students, education and God.”

For more information, go to www.wschristian.com.

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