Nonprofit delivers clothing, toys for the holidays
Some of the toys collected in the toy drive by HOOPS4L.Y.F.E. for the children are shown.
Photo by Timothy Ramsey
With Christmas coming this Sunday, there are many families that need assistance in filling the gap underneath the Christmas tree. The HOOPS4L.Y.F.E nonprofit organization, led by Founder And Executive Director Brittany Ward sought to assist families during the holiday season by providing toys and winter coats for the kids.
Officially founded in March of 2014 the HOOPS4L.Y.F.E organization’s mission is to empower and redirect at-risk youth in community-based after school programs in an effort to engage youth in academics, increase their exposure to a variety of activities and provide students with a safe space.
Ward says the idea for the giveaway started about four years ago with a friend of hers who has his own nonprofit group. Each year they compile a list of children who are in need and find out which toys and clothes sizes the children need.
Materials for the giveaway are donated from the community, Winston-Salem State University, the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Police department, local churches and close friends of Ward. She says the children are chosen on the basis of those who have the biggest need.
“Growing up I experienced difficult times during the Christmas holiday because it was either get gifts for us or pay bills and my mother is a very logical thinker,” says Ward. “I thought it was very important to not only help these kids in giving them gifts but also to inform them that family is the most important thing around this time of the year.”
Ward says she started with the collection of the toys, shoes and clothes a few weeks ago and has drop offs at a few locations around the city.
She says she would love to expand the giveaway, but would also love to connect with other nonprofit organizations such as the Salvation Army, the Josh Howard Foundation and the Chris Paul Foundation. She thinks the cooperation with multiple nonprofits will enable them to reach more children who are in need.
“We want to have the kids to have a sense that somebody cares besides their parents,” Ward continued. “We have to make it a community again because I don’t feel as though we are one.”
The toys and other gifts will be dropped off to the children on Christmas Eve.
Anyone who wishes to donate or inquire about more information visit HOOPS4L.Y.F.E on all social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchap at HOOPS4L.Y.F.E.