Preacher overcomes odds to become a pastor
Rev. Melvin Nelums, new pastor of Believers Missionary Baptist Church with his wife, Betty

The Rev. Melvin Nelums has been in the ministry for nearly four decades but has never led a congregation. On Sunday, June 10 at 4 p.m. in the church sanctuary, he will be installed as the new senior pastor of Believers Missionary Baptist Church, 235 Ward Road., Greensboro.
Nelums is also hearing impaired and is assisted by Betty, his wife of 47 years. He says everything happens for a reason in due time, so this must be his time.
“People didn’t believe that a guy like me with a hearing impairment could do anything,” said Nelums. “For a while it got on my nerves, for a little bit, then the more I gave, the more I understood when God said He speaks to us is a still, small voice.
“He said to me that He called me for a purpose and that was to lead and be an example for others to follow,” he continued.
Nelums previously served as an associate minister at Emmanuel Baptist Church under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. John Mendez. Nelums has been preaching the gospel at Believers since early 2011.
Nelums, a Winston-Salem native, is a graduate of Atkins High School. He has a degree from Shaw University in religion and philosophy. Nelums also is a retiree of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
“I feel pretty good and I am excited about the surrounding area of where we are because the people are great,” said Nelums. “The majority of the people are seniors and I am really looking forward to it.”
According to Nelums, the ministry has always been close to his heart even as a young boy. He says he made a commitment to his mother to continue his education and graduated from Shaw Divinity School in 1994.
“I have always been a low-key type of person,” he said. “I feel like wherever the spirit moves me is how I am going to go. I like to take things slow and not try to rush into anything because you can be anything you want to become but you have to put God first in your life.”
Over the years, Nelums says, he has had some great spiritual leaders in the ministry. He says once he made it to Emmanuel Baptist, they led him on the path to becoming an ordained minister, which he accomplished in a short period of time.
He says everything happens for a reason in due time, so this must be his time.
“I just feel like Believers is where God wants me to be and I said ‘well Lord if this is it, then I’ll be your servant,” he said.
For Nelums, his vision for Believers is to take things slow at first, which was advice given to him from Mendez. He wants the church to become a “working church” that works for the glory of God and not for anyone else.
“I want us to come together and work on one accord,” he went on to say. “My other vision is to have the young people come back to the church and get them involved. Just to let them know they don’t have to pick up a gun but instead pick up a Bible.”
He also has plans to bring back certain ministries the church has let go of in the past. For the installation service, he will be joined by Dr. Mendez and the Emmanuel Baptist congregation.