St. John C.M.E. to hold mortgage burning ceremony
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St. John Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is expected to burn its mortgage Sunday.
Special to The Chronicle
For many churches, the monthly mortgage payment is one of their biggest expenses. It takes a lot of generous donations and tenacity to pay off the mortgage for a church building, and since the majority of churches rely solely on tithes and donations from the congregation, paying off a mortgage is a big deal.
Sunday, Jan. 31, the Rev. Omar L. Dykes and the members of St. John CME Church will be holding its Mortgage Burning Ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Bishop Bobby R. Best, former pastor, will deliver the afternoon message. Bishop Best came to St. John CME Church in 1995 and served the congregation for 11 years. During his pastorate, the church membership grew. Bishop Best, along with the Trustee Board, made plans to build a new and larger church edifice. On the second Sunday in March 2002, the congregation moved into its new home.
For people struggling through these hard economic times, the church is still a place of comfort. Nonetheless, like other consumers, when it comes to paying the mortgage, some churches find themselves hard-pressed to do so. Over 900 churches in the U.S. today are in foreclosure. St. John CME has defied the odds.
The public is invited to attend this momentous occasion.
It is a grateful and exciting time in the life of our church because it represents a time of completeness and a fulfilling of God’s promise that His “grace is sufficient to meet all of our needs.” (II Corinthians 12:9)
Ordained ministers and clergy across the city are asked to bring their black robes (white stoles) and participate in the processional.
Contact the church office at 336-725-3968 for additional information.