The Winston-Salem Recreation and Parks Department and A-Visions brought rapper “Jamal” to the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center last Friday to perform for the neighborhood kids and give them some advice from someone inside the industry.
Tag "Winston-Salem Recreation and Parks Department"

In 2017, the city of Winston-Salem lost three of the most well known figures in the Recreation and Parks department due to retirement. Bryant McCorkle, senior supervisor for the W.R.
Photo by Patrick Johnson BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE The Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center will never be the same. On May 31 Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center supervisor and “Hang the
Photo by Timothy Ramsey BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE With the basketball season over at the high school level, many
By Judie Holcomb-Pack The Cricket’s Nest is a gem nestled among tall trees on Country Club Road. The Cricket’s Nest,
This past summer, the Winston-Salem Recreation and Parks Department hosted the Piedmont Plus Senior Softball Tournament for men and women